Sunday 24 October 2010

Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise--Sai Weng Shi Ma

The Chinese of This Chinese Idiom "Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise--Sai Weng Shi Ma" is 塞翁失马, Pin Yin (拼音), sài wēng shī mǎ. This is a Taoist wisdom story.

There was once an old man who lived with his only son at the border of the state. They were fond of horses and often let them graze freely in the meadow.

One time a servant reported to the old man, "A horse is missing! It must have gone into the neighboring state."

His friends felt sorry for him, but the old man was not bothered at all by the loss. As a matter of fact, he said, "Who knows! The loss may bring us good fortune!"

A few months later, a strange thing happened. Not only did the missing horse return home safely, it also brought back with it a fine horse from the neighboring state.

When his friends heard the new, they congratulated the old man on his good luck. But the old man said, "Who knows! This may bring us ill fortune!"
One day, when the old man's son was riding the fine horse, he accidentally fell off the horse, broke his leg, and was crippled.

Many friends came to comfort the old man, but the old man was njot the least disturbed by the accident. "Who knows! This may bring us good fortune after all!" he said.

A year later, when the neighboring state sent troops across the border, all the young and strong men were drafted to fight the invaders, and most of them got killed. The old man's son was not drafted because he was crippled and so his life was spared.


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