Sunday 12 August 2018

Funny Women Fighting Scenes

Monday 6 August 2018

Drop The Substance For The Shadow--She Ben Zhu Mo

This Chinese of Drop The Substance For The Shadow--She Ben Zhu Mo is 舍本逐末, and Pin Yin shě běn zhú mò.

One year during the Warring States period, a messenger was ordered by the king of the state of Qi to deliver gifts and a regarding letter to Empress Dowager Wei, the real ruler of the state of Zhao.

Empress Dowager took the letter but did not open it at once. Letting the messenger sit down, she asked him pleasantly:" Communication has been estranged between us two states for a long time. How are the crops growing this year in your state? How is your people's living? How is your king?"

Beware! Exploding Tires and Flying Tires Compilation

Beware! A Tubby Serial Killer Behind You !Exploding Tires and Flying Tires Compilation

Thursday 3 November 2016

Faithful Tiger--Yi Hu

The Chinese of Faithful Tiger--Yi Hu is 义虎, and Pin Yin yì hǔ

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Chu Songs On Four Sides--Si Mian Chu Ge

The Chinese of Chu Songs On Four Sides--Si Mian Chu Ge is 四面楚歌, and Pin Yin sì miàn chǔ gē.

Monday 31 October 2016

Exclaim at the Ocean--Wang Yang Xing Tan

The Chinese of this Chinese fable story "Exclaim at the Ocean--Wang Yang Xing Tan" is 望洋兴叹, and Pin Yin wàng yáng xīng tàn.

Sunday 30 October 2016

A Charming Face Among Peach Blossoms--Ren Mian Tao Hua

The Chinese of  this Chinese story "A Charming Face Among Peach Blossoms--Ren Mian Tao Hua" is 人面桃花, and Pin Yin rén miàn táo huā.

Friday 28 October 2016

Chinese Fairy Tale--Mr Hu

This Chinese of Mr Hu is 胡先生, and Pin Yin hú xiān sheng.

Once upon a time , in the province of Zhili, there was a wealthy family in want of a tutor.